Homemade Paneer

It's about a week that I did not post anything on the blog. Actually I was busy with some family function. So now that I am free I thought of resuming back to blogging. 

Today I shall be sharing with you my no fail homemade paneer making method. I do not prefer buying it from market. It's easy to make so I make a big batch of it and store it in my refrigerator. When things are at hand you feel comfortable to prepare dish in the kitchen. 

Milk should always be a vital part of our meal each day. It has so many nutrients and paneer is it's form which is liked by many of us. Since it is a milk product, it is rich source of calcium and protein. I recommend to include it in your meal at least thrice a week to suffice the needs of calcium and protein, especially to kids. 

Normally, paneer is associated to northern India. Here, it is consumed almost everyday in some form or the other. However, few of you might know that Chenna is less processed paneer which is commonly used in eastern India to prepare sweets. It is more moist than paneer. Well, I am yet to master the art of making perfect Chenna but as I do it I shall share that with you too.

Many of you must have tried making paneer at home. And normally people complain that it wasn't as soft as you get in market. So I thought of sharing the tricks and tips to make it soft and perfect at home.

Let's start

You will need 
1 litre milk
1/2 cup curd(preferably bit sour or khatti dahi)
1 1/2 tbsp white vinegar/lemon juice

This shall give you about 300 - 350 gms of paneer.

Before we proceed with the method, do note that the milk you use should be full fat/cream milk. I use amul gold. Any low fat milk or skimmed milk will not give good results.

  • In a big vessel put the milk to boil. 
  • By the time milk is boiling take a small bowl and mix the measured curd and vinegar/lemon juice.
  • As you get the first boil add in the curd vinegar mixture to the milk.
  • In a minute you will see the milk will curdle.
  • Immediately switch off the flame and strain it. (For straining you will need a strainer and a muslin cloth. Place the strainer on a empty big vessel and spread the muslin cloth over it. Now strain the curdled milk in this.)
  • Immediately after straining remove the paneer with  the muslin cloth away from the steaming residue. This step has to done quickly else the paneer turns hard.
  • Fold the panner in the cloth giving it a rectangular/square shape and press it for 15 -20 min with hand. All the excess water will get drained out. You can instead place any hard object on it to drain out excess water. The more firmly it is pressed the more firm paneer you get, else it becomes crumbly when you dice it.
  • You can check now, the paneer is ready.
Method of storing paneer is also very important. Best way is to take an airtight container and place the paneer into it. Now fill the box with normal water such that paneer remains immersed in it. Close the box and keep it in refrigerator. Change this water every one or two days. 

Tip: Do not throw away the residual water from paneer. You can use it to knead roti or paratha dough.

Soon I shall share with you recipes that uses paneer. Do try making paneer at home and share your experience in the comment box below. 

Till then

Stay Happy Stay Healthy!


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